Thursday, July 29, 2010


nothing to say
don't say it.

ji bo, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

big mistake

right foot
and left foot
must be friends -
or walking
is Big problem!

ji bo, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010


no matter who you are
somebody sees you as something different
than you see yourself.

from "the innumerable sayings
of tao jones"

mountain proverb

"If you can make music
you can move mountains."

old proverb
ji bo discover new poet - tao jones.
very funny.
roams mountains of north carolina.

beside sweltering parking lot
a row of weeping willows.
their karma is to shame asphalt.
she said: "Those are the most beautiful
weeping willows I've ever seen."

an incongruous moment -
one of many.

tao jones, 2010
ji bo travel around world
one year.
big circle.
many clouds.

july 23 2010